What do you do when you’ve hit your storage limit?
All attempts have been made to present data as honestly and transparently as possible. All aggregated data has been matched with a corresponding Data Accuracy Meter score.
The following sample data is available for your consideration:
☞ 2012 Credit Card Purchases Mint ☞ May 2012 Music Plays last.fm ☞ Sep 8th, 2012 Location History* Google Latitude*If the Google Latitude data doesn't load on your first try, please return to this page and try again. If asked to open if your web browser or a native Google app, choose web browser. You do not need to give Google your current location if prompted.
All computed data featured inside of Operating System is matched to a corresponding Data Accuracy Meter (DAM) score out of 100. The higher the DAM score, the more reliable the data is. This is our best attempt at personal statistical significance and personal transparency.
DAM scores are calculated via the following formula:
Let t = total possible data set, t > 0;
a = available data, 0 ≤ a ≤ t;
c = subjective confidence, 0 ≤ c ≤ 10;
s = subjective sensitivity, 0 ≤ s ≤ 10.
The subjective accuracy of the data is then equal to:
Some names have been changed out of respect for privacy.
Operating System wouldn’t have been possible without:
This production is presented as part of Capital Fringe’s 2013 fallFRINGE, Nov 1 – 17.